7 Things You Should Know About Me Right Now
1. I do not have an end goal.
I am here in Canada gathering stories as I develop what Wise Women Coaching & Conversations will become.
2. The practice of not-knowing still feels messy and uncomfortable.
A little while back, I was an executive at an influential social justice non-profit in NYC. I learned a ton, am so grateful for all the experiences and committed people I got to work with, but I knew that what I was doing was not sustainable. I left with no idea of what was going to be next. I needed a pause.
3. I have studied coaching, collaboratively developed a coaching program and have been an executive coach.
In my graduate program and career, I learned from and designed with experts in adult learning. More recently, I have layered-in deep and inspirational learnings from my yoga/meditation teachers, ancient texts, and the yoga students I have coached.
4. I believe the mainstream concept of retirement severely shortchanges women's experiences.
Current stories shape how we see ourselves at this time in our lives or envision what is next. I am excited about magnificently expanding this narrative with you or tossing it out altogether.
5. I rock with the rhythms of nature.
The woods are my meditative place and water feels like home. You’ll find themes and insights from nature woven into all I do.
6. I love attitude.
Living well in our bodies as we age requires knowing our embodied selves intimately while developing a sense of harmony and ease. We do this through movement practices but also attitude.
7. I can’t wait to work with you.
Ways We Can Work Together
Light-hearted, accessible Yoga classes. Through playful movement along with improving mobility of breath and muscles, you’ll become more embodied and more aware of how to move well through everyday life.
Pick a Class
Wise Women online provides 1:1 coaching, lessons, group conversations and movement practices that you can work with to find your juice, your joy, and your deep satisfaction. This journey is not especially linear, and it takes place right in the middle of your busy or not-so-busy and probably changing life. This is it – it is the next chapter – it is another whole and real part of our lives. It is new. We will evolve together through this process of learning, sharing and moving.
“A woman’s song is her truth. The expression of her innermost thoughts and feelings is the sweetest song she can sing and it should not be muted.”
Anita Johnston, Ph.D., Eating in the Light of the Moon